


Lehrbuch Gynäkologische Onkologie 2014
4. Auflage
Springer Verlag
derzeit in Druck!







Petru, E., Berger, M., Zeller, J., Kaufmann, M.:
In vitro evaluation of an estradiol-linked nitrosourea in mammary carcinomas of mouse, rat, and man.
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Petru, E., Tamussino, K., Lahousen, M., Winter, R., Pickel, H., Haas, J.:
Pelvic and paraaortic lymphocysts after radical surgery because of cervical and ovarian cancer.
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Petru, E., Lahousen, M., Tamussino, K., Pickel, H., Stranzl, H., Stettner, H., Winter, R.:
Lymphadenectomy in stage I ovarian cancer.
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Petru, E., Moinfar, F., Graf, S.:Regulation of the E2F family – A further step in understanding ovarian cancer biology.
Cancer Biol. & Ther. 5 (2006) 777-778

 Petru, E., Sevin, B.U., Perras, J., Boike, G., Ramos, R., Nguyen, H., Averette, H.:
Comparative chemosensitivity profiles in four human ovarian carcinoma cell lines measuring ATP bioluminescence.
Gynecol. Oncol. 38 (1990) 155-160

 Petru, E., Angleitner-Boubenizek, L., Reinthaller, A., Deibl, M., Zeimet, A., Volgger, B., Stempfl, A., Marth, C.:
Combined PEG liposomal doxorubicin and germcitabine are active and have
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Gynecol. Oncol. 102 (2006) 226-229

Petru, E., Pickel, H., Heydarfadai, M., Lahousen, M., Haas, J., Schaider, H.,
Tamussino, K.:
Nongenital cancers metastatic to the ovary.
Gynecol. Oncol. 44 (1992) 83-86

Petru, E., Sevin, B.U., Haas, J., Ramos, R., Perras, J.:
A correlation of cell cycle perturbations with chemosensitivity in human ovarian
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Gynecol. Oncol. 58 (1995) 48-57

 Bader, A., Schlembach, D., Tamussino, K., Petru, E.:
Anhydramnios associated with administration of trastuzumab and paclitaxel for metastatic breast cancer during pregnancy.
Lancet Oncol. 8 (2007) 79-81

Greimel, E., Daghofer, F., Petru, E.:
Prospective assessment of quality of life in long-term ovarian cancer survivors.
Int. J. Cancer 128 (2011) 3005-3011

Pristauz, G., Petru, E., Stacher, E., Geigl, J., Schwarzbraun, T., Tsybrovskyy, O., Winter, R., Moinfar, F.:
Androgen receptor expression in breast cancer patients tested for BRCA 1 and BRCA 2 mutations.
Histopathology 57 (2010) 877-884

Lee, C., Gurney, H., Brown, C., Sorio, R., Donadello, N., Tulunay, G., Meier, W., Bacon, M., Maenpaa, J., Petru, E., Reed, N., Gebski, V., Pujade-Lauraine, E., Lord, S., Simes, R., Friedlander, M.:
Carboplatin-paclitaxel-induced leucopenia and neuropathy predict progression-free survival in recurrent ovarian cancer.
Br. J. Cancer 105 (2011) 360-365

Kurtz, J., Kaminsky, M., Floquet, A., Veillard, A., Kimmig, R., Dorum, A., Elit, L., Buck, M., Petru, E., Reed, N., Scambia, G., Varsellona, N., Brown, C., Pujade-Lauraine, E.:
Ovarian cancer in elderly patients: carboplatin and pegylated liposomal doxorubicin versus carboplatin and paclitaxel in late relapse: A Gynecologic Cancer Intergroup (GCIG) CALYPSO sub-study.
Ann. Oncol. 22 (2011) 2417-2423

Zeimet, A., Reimer, D., Huszar, M., Winterhoff, B., Puistola, U., Azim, S., Müller-Holzner, E., Ben-Arie, A., Van Kempen, L., Petru, E.,  Jahn, S., Geels, Y., Massuger, L., Amant, F., Polterauer, S., Lappi-Blanco, E., Bulten, J., Meuter, A., Tanouye, S., Oppelt, P., Stroh-Weigert, M., Reinthaller, A., Mariani, A., Hackl, W., Netzer, M., Schirmer, U., Vergote, I., Altevogt, P., Marth, C., Fogel, M.:
L1CAM in early-stage type I endometrial cancer: Results of a large multicenter evaluation.
J. Natl. Cancer Inst. 105 (2013) 1142-1150

Heitzer, E., Auer, M., Hoffmann, E., Pichler, M., Gasch, C., Ulz, P., Lax, S., Waldispuehl-Geigl, J., Mauermann, O., Mohan, S., Pristauz, G., Lackner, C., Höfler, G., Eisner, F., Petru, E., Sill, H., Samonigg, H., Pantel, K., Riethdorf, S., Bauernhofer, T., Geigl, J., Speicher, M.:
Establishment of tumor-specific copy number alterations from plasma DNA of patients with cancer. Int. J. Cancer 133 (2013) 346-356



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Interview: Schwanger und krebskrank. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Edgar Petru erklärt, wie man trotz Erkrankung ein gesundes Kind zur Welt bringen kann.


Gerichtlich beeideter und zertifizierter Sachverständiger

Fachgutachter für Brustgesundheitszentren in Österreich

Fachgutachter für Zentren für Gynäkologische Tumore in Österreich

Mitglied der S3-Leitlinienkommission Ovarialkarzinom

Mitglied der S3-Leitlinienkommission Endometriumkarzinom

Mitglied der S2k-Leitlinienkommission Uterussarkom